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课题组长简介:沈嘉炜,博士、教授,现任杭州师范大学药学院副院长。2004年及2009年在浙江大学化学系获得理学学士和理学博士学位,2009年9月至2013年6月在德国马克斯-普朗克高分子研究所(Max-Planck Institute for Polymer Research)进行博士后研究工作,2013年6月加入杭州师范大学。近年来研究工作集中在生物纳米材料及药物载体材料的计算机模拟、分子设计,生物分子与无机纳米材料相互作用的多尺度模拟,新型纳米药物递送系统的设计、制备及其在抗肿瘤、抗炎治疗中的应用等。目前已主持国家自然科学基金3项,浙江省自然科学基金、高层次留学回国人员在杭创新项目等多项,入选浙江省级人才、杭州市131人才计划等。发表SCI收录论文68篇,其中以第一作者和通讯作者在Biomaterials、Biosensors & Bioelectronics、Nanoscale、Journal of Physical Chemistry Letter、Carbohydrate Polymers、Journal of Membrane Science、Desalination、Journal of Materials Chemistry B、International Journal of Pharmaceutics、International Journal of Biological Macromolecules、Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation、Journal of Physical Chemistry C、Langmuir等权威SCI期刊发表论文45篇,总被引1600余次。


(1) 生物纳米材料及药物载体材料的计算机模拟、分子设计及实验研究

(2) 生物分子与纳米材料相互作用的多尺度模拟

(3) 海水淡化材料的计算机模拟与分子设计

(4) 新型纳米药物递送系统的设计、制备及其在抗肿瘤、抗炎治疗中的应用

(5) 尿素吸附功能中空纳米球的设计合成及性能研究




1. 石墨烯量子点及其衍生物跨膜传递的分子模拟研究、国家自然科学基金面上项目、65万、2020.01-2023.12、主持、在研

2. 仿生石墨烯纳米孔道中基因传递的多尺度模拟研究、国家自然科学基金面上项目、65万、2017.01-2020.12、主持、已结题

3. 多肽与无机晶体相互作用的多尺度模拟方法研究、国家自然科学基金青年项目、25万、2015.01-2017.12、主持、已结题

4. 多肽与碳酸钙晶体表面相互作用的多尺度模拟研究、浙江省自然科学基金一般项目、8万、2014.01-2016.12、主持、已结题(优秀)

5. 基因传递高分子载体材料的计算机模拟与分子设计、浙江省“钱江人才计划”D 类项目择优资助、5万、2017.01-2019.12、主持、已结题6. 石墨烯及其衍生物纳米膜作为海水淡化材料的分子设计研究、高层次留学回国人员在杭创业创新项目、10万、2019.01-2021.12、主持、已结题

7. 石墨烯量子点及其衍生物跨膜传递的分子模拟研究、



1. 有序微孔材料制备及其药物负载和控释性能研究、国家自然科学基金面上项目、83万、2015.01-2018.12、主持、结题

2. 核糖核苷酸还原酶与抗肿瘤治疗的研究 省教育厅科研项目2010.01-2012.12、主持、结题

3. 注射用氟氧头孢作用机制与药效研究、浙江省惠迪森药业、10万、2010.01-2012.12、主持、结


1. 可用于可穿戴式人工肾的尿素吸附功能中空纳米球的设计合成及性能研究、国家自然科学基金青年项目、24万、2021.01-2023.12、主持、在研



2、ICAM-1靶向托法替尼温敏胶束联合微波热疗对类风湿性关节炎的治疗研究、浙江省卫生健康科技计划青年创新人才项目、3万、2022.01- 2024.12、主持、在研




1. J.H. Dai, J.L. Sun, L.S. Xu, Y.X. Lu, X.Y. Xu, Q. Hu*, L.J. Liang, T. Xie*, J.W. Shen* Dynamics of electric field-controlled methotrexate delivery through membrane nanochannels. Journal of Molecular Liquids, 2022, 350, 118525.

2. J.C. Li, H. Chen, S.X. Liu, Z.Z. Kang, L.S. Yu, L.J. Liang, J.W. Shen*, Y.C. Liu, J. Fan, Q*. Wang*. Understanding the anchoring interaction of coagulation factor Va light chain on zeolites: A molecular dynamics study. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 2022, 608, 435-445.

3. W.J. Zhao, L.J. Liang*, Z. Kong, J.W. Shen*. A Review on desalination by graphene-based biomimetic nanopore: From the computational modelling perspective. Journal of Molecular Liquids, 2021, 342, 117582.

4. L.J. Liang#, Z.S. Zhang#, H.B. Wang, J.W. Shen*, Z. Kong*. Direct proof of soft knock-on mechanism of ion permeation in a voltage gated sodium channel. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 2021, 188, 369-374. (SCI, 二区, IF = 6.953)

5. H.X. Zhou, Z.X Xie, L.J. Liang*, P.Z. Zhang, X.C. Ma, Z. Kong, J.W. Shen*, W. Hu. Theoretical investigation on the adsorption orientation of DNA on two-dimensional MoSe2. Chemical Physics, 2021, 551, 111329. (SCI, 三区, IF = 2.348)

6. Z. Kong, P.Z. Zhang, J.X. Chen, H.X. Zhou, X.C. Ma, H.B. Wang, J.W. Shen*, L.J. Liang*. Effect of shape on the entering of graphene quantum dots into a membrane: A molecular dynamics simulation. ACS Omega, 2021, 6, 10936-10943.

7. L.J. Liang, X.M. Peng, F.F. Sun, Z. Kong*, J.W. Shen*. A review on the cytotoxicity of graphene quantum dots: from experiment to simulation. Nanoscale Advances, 2021, 3, 904-917.

8. J.W. Shen*,#, J.C. Li#, J.H. Dai, M.D. Zhou, H. Ren, L. Zhang, Q. Hu, Z. Kong, L.J. Liang*. Molecular dynamics study on the adsorption and release of doxorubicin by chitosan-decorated graphene. Carbohydrate Polymers, 2020, 248, 116809.

9. H. Ren#, X. Shen#, J.H. Dai, G.T. Peng, L.J. Liang, J.W. Shen*, L. Zhang*. On the mechanism of graphene quantum dot encapsulation by chitosan: A molecular dynamics study. Journal of Molecular Liquids, 2020, 320, 113453.

10. C. Chen, L.J. Jia, J.C. Li, L. Zhang*, L.J. Liang, E.Y. Chen, Z. Kong, X.P. Wang, W. Zhang, J.W. Shen*. Understanding the effect of hydroxyl/epoxy group on water desalination through lamellar graphene oxide membranes via molecular dynamics simulation. Desalination, 2020, 491, 114560.

11. J.C. Li, S.B. Ying, H. Ren, J.H. Dai, L. Zhang, L.J. Liang, Q. Wang, Q.Y. Shen*, J.W. Shen*. Molecular dynamics study on the encapsulation and release of anti-cancer drug doxorubicin by chitosan. International Journal of Pharmaceutics, 2020, 580, 119241.

12. J. Zhang, C. Chen, J.N. Pan, L. Zhang*, L.J. Liang, Z. Kong, X.P. Wang, W. Zhang, J.W. Shen*. Atomistic insights into the separation mechanism of multilayer graphene membranes for water desalination. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2020, 22, 7224-7233.

13. J.W. Shen*, J.C. Li, F. Liu, L. Zhang*, L.J. Liang, H.B. Wang*. A molecular dynamics study on water desalination using single-layer MoSe2 nanopore. Journal of Membrane Science, 2020, 595, 117611.

14. L.J. Liang, Y.J. Zhang, Z. Kong, F. Liu, J.W. Shen*, Z.W. He, H.B. Wang*. DNA fragment translocation through the lipid membrane assisted by carbon nanotube. International Journal of Pharmaceutics, 2020, 574, 118921.

15. 周梦迪,沈嘉炜*,梁立军,李嘉辰,金乐红*,王琦,石墨烯生物毒性的计算机模拟研究进展,化工学报,2020, 71(1), 148-165.

16. L. Zhang*, L.J. Jia, J. Zhang, J.C. Li, L.J. Liang, Z. Kong, J.W. Shen*, X.P. Wang, W. Zhang, H.B. Wang. Understanding the effect of chemical modification on water desalination in boron nitride nanotubes via molecular dynamics simulation. Desalination, 2019, 464, 84-93.

17. Z.Y. Xue, Q. Sun, L. Zhang, Z.Z. Kang, L.J. Liang, Q. Wang*, J.W. Shen*. Graphene quantum dot assisted translocation of drugs into a cell membrane, Nanoscale, 2019, 11, 4503-4514.

18. M.D. Zhou, Q.Y. Shen, J.W. Shen*, L.H. Jin, L. Zhang, Q. Sun, Q. Hu, L.J. Liang*. Understanding the size effect of graphene quantum dots on protein adsorption, Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces, 2019, 174, 575-581.

19. L.J. Liang*, F. Liu, Z. Kong, J.W. Shen*, H.B. Wang, H.D. Wang, L.H. Li. Theoretical studies on key factors in DNA sequencing using atomically thin molybdenum disulfide nanopores. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2018, 20, 28886-28893.

20. L. Zhang, G.T. Peng, J.C. Li, L.J. Liang, Z. Kong, H.B. Wang, L.J. Jia, X.P. Wang, W. Zhang, J.W. Shen*. Molecular dynamics study on the configuration and arrangement of doxorubicin in carbon nanotubes. Journal of Molecular Liquids, 2018, 262, 295-301.

21. L. Zhang, J.C. Li, G.T. Peng, L.J. Liang, Z. Kong, J.W. Shen*, L.J. Jia, X.P. Wang, W. Zhang. Charge-tunable water transport through boron nitride nanotubes. Journal of Molecular Liquids, 2018, 258, 95-105.

22. L. J. Liang#, J. C. Li#, L. Zhang, Z. S. Zhang, J.W. Shen*, L. H. Li*, J. Y. Wu. Computer simulation of water desalination through boron nitride nanotubes. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2017, 19, 30031-30038.

23. Z.Y. Xue, Q.Y. Shen, L.J. Liang, J.W. Shen*, Q. Wang*. Adsorption behavior and mechanism of SCA-1 on calcite surface: A molecular dynamics study. Langmuir, 2017, 33, 11321-11331.

24. J.W. Shen*, J.C. Li, Z. N. Zhao, L. Zhang*, G. T. Peng, L.J. Liang*. Molecular dynamics study on the mechanism of polynucleotide encapsulation by chitosan. Scientific Reports, 2017, 7, 5050.

25. Z. Kong, H.B. Wang, L.J. Liang*, Z.S. Zhang, S.B. Ying, Q. Hu, J.W. Shen*. Investigation of the morphological transition of a phospholipid bilayer membrane in an external electric field via molecular dynamics simulation. Journal of Molecular Modeling, 2017, 23, 113.

26. L.J. Liang, W. Hu*, Z.Y. Xue, J.W. Shen*. Theoretical study on the interaction of nucleotides on two-dimensional atomically thin graphene and molybdenum disulfide. FlatChem, 2017, 2, 8-14.

27. L.J. Liang*, J.W. Shen*, Q. Wang. Molecular dynamics study on DNA nanotubes as drug delivery vehicle for anticancer drugs. Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces, 2017, 153, 168-173.

28. L.J. Liang*, J.W. Shen*, Z.S. Zhang, Q. Wang*. DNA sequencing by two-dimensional materials: As theoretical modeling meets experiments. Biosensors & Bioelectronics, 2017, 89, 280-292.

29. L.J. Liang#, W. Hu#, Z.S. Zhang*, J.W. Shen*, Theoretic study on dispersion mechanism of boron nitride nanotubes by polynucleotides. Scientific Reports, 2016, 6, 39747.

30. L.J. Liang*, Z.Z. Kang, J.W. Shen*. Translocation mechanism of C60 and C60 derivations across a cell membrane. Journal of Nanoparticle Research, 2016, 18, 333.

31. L.J. Liang*, L.W. Wang, J.W. Shen*. The self-assembly mechanism of tetra-peptides from the motif of beta-amyloid peptides: a combined coarse-grained and all-atom molecular dynamics simulation. RSC Advances, 2016, 6, 100072-100078.

32. L.J. Liang*, Z. Kong, Z.Z. Kang, H.B. Wang, L. Zhang, J.W. Shen*. Theoretical evaluation on potential cytotoxicity of graphene quantum dots. ACS Biomaterials Science & Engineering, 2016, 2, 1983-1991.

33. J.W. Shen*, Z. Kong, L. Zhang, L.J. Liang*. Controlled interval of aligned carbon nanotubes arrays for water desalination: A molecular dynamics simulation study. Desalination, 2016, 395, 28-32.

34. L.J. Liang, Z.S. Zhang, Z. Kong, Y. Liu, J.W. Shen*, D.B. Li, Q. Wang*. Charge-tunable insertion process of carbon nanotubes into DNA nanotubes. Journal of Molecular Graphics and Modelling, 2016, 66, 20-25.

35. L.J. Liang, E.Y. Chen, J.W. Shen*, Q. Wang*. Molecular modelling of translocation of biomolecules in carbon nanotubes: method, mechanism and application, Molecular Simulation, 2016, 42, 827-835.

36. Z. Kong, W. Zheng, Q. Wang, H. B. Wang, F. N. Xi, L. J. Liang*, J.W. Shen*. Charge-tunable absorption behavior of DNA on graphene, Journal of Materials Chemistry B, 2015, 3, 4814-4820.

37. J.W. Shen, T. Tang, X.H. Wei, W. Zheng, T.Y. Sun, Z. S. Zhang, L. J. Liang*, Q. Wang*. On the loading mechanism of ssDNA into carbon nanotubes. RSC Advances, 2015, 5, 56896-56903.

38. Z.S. Zhang#, J.W. Shen#, H.B. Wang, Q. Wang*, J.Q. Zhang, L.J. Liang*, H. Agren, Y.Q. Tu. Effects of graphene nanopore geometry on DNA sequencing. Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 2014, 5, 1602-1607.

39. P. Shan#, J.W. Shen#, D.H. Xu, L.Y. Shi, J. Gao, Y.W. Lan, Q. Wang*, X.H. Wei*. Molecular dynamics study on the interaction between doxorubicin and hydrophobically modified chitosan oligosaccharide. RSC Advances, 2014, 4, 23730-23739.

40. J.W. Shen, C.L. Li, N.F.A. van der Vegt, C. Peter*. Understanding the control of mineralization by polyelectrolyte additives: simulation of preferential binding to calcite surfaces. Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2013, 117, 6904-6913.

41. J.W. Shen, C.L. Li, N.F.A. van der Vegt, C. Peter*. Transferability of coarse grained potentials: implicit solvent models for hydrated ions. Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation, 2011, 7, 1916-1927.

42. J.W. Shen, T. Wu*, Q. Wang*, Y. Kang, X. Chen. Adsorption of insulin peptide on charged single-walled carbon nanotubes: significant role of ordered waters. ChemPhysChem, 2009, 10, 1260-1269.

43. J.W. Shen, T. Wu*, Q. Wang*, H.H. Pan. Molecular simulation of protein adsorption and desorption on hydroxyapatite surfaces. Biomaterials, 2008, 29, 513-532. (Leading Opinion Paper, one of 12 figures featured in “2008 - The Year in Images” of Biomaterials)

44. J.W. Shen, T. Wu*, Q. Wang*, Y. Kang. Induced stepwise conformational change of human serum albumin on carbon nanotube surfaces.

45. J.W. Shen, T. Wu, Y.G. Wang, Q. Wang*. Quantum mechanics study on the selectivity of alkali metal cations by a novel fluorescent chemosensor. Molecular Simulation, 2006, 32, 1123-1129.


1. 缪存静,陈俊杰,历星,林鹏程,胡全*,木犀草素逆转由TGFβ1诱导的人肺癌细胞上皮-间充质转化的实验研究,中国病理生理杂志,2019, 35, 1163-1168.

2. 朱杰晶,金贾力,骆珺婕,许丽华,胡全*尹洪萍*,Annexin A2 对小鼠脊髓损伤后神经元的保护作用,中国现代应用药学,2015, 32, 1298-1301

3. Q. Hu, J.C. Yu, M. Liu, A.P. Liu, Z.S. Dou, Y Yang*. A low cytotoxic cationic Metal-Organic Framework carrier for controllable drug release. Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 2014, 57, 5679-5685.

4. Q. Hu, Y.Q. Tan, M. Liu, J.C. Yu, Y.J. Cui, Y. Yang*. A new highly selective and sensitive fluorescent probe for Zn2+ and its application in cell-imaging. Dyes and Pigments, 2014, 107, 45-50.

5. Q. Hu, K.J. Zhang, H.L. Jin, X.A. Chen, M.L. Hu, S. Wang *. Electrochemical investigation on the interaction of benzene sulfonyl 5-fluorouracil derivatives with double-stranded DNA and G-quadruplex DNA. Science China Chemistry, 2012, 55, 1345-1350.


1. Y. Guo*, W. K. Kegel, Fabrication of floating colloidal crystal monolayers by convective deposition. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 2021, 587, 1-13.

2. Y. Guo*, B.G.P. van Ravensteijn*, and W.K. Kegel, Self-assembly of isotropic colloids into colloidal strings, Bernal spiral-like, and tubular clusters. Chemical Communications 2020, 56, 6309-6312.

3. Y. Guo, B.G.P. van Ravensteijn, and W.K. Kegel*, Dimple Colloids with Tunable Cavity Size and Surface Functionalities. Macromolecules 2019, 52, 4287-4294.

4. Y. Guo, B.G.P. van Ravensteijn, C.H.J. Evers, and W.K. Kegel*, pH Reversible Encapsulation of Oppositely Charged Colloids Mediated by Polyelectrolytes. Langmuir 2017, 33, 4551-4558.

5. Y. Guo, R. Wang, W. Chi, S. Liu, H. Shi, and T. Guo*, One-step synthesis of reactant-product-dual-template imprinted capsules as phosphotriesterase mimetic enzymes for pesticide elimination. RSC Advances 2014, 4, 7881-7884.

6. 郭勇, 郭天瑛*, 模板印迹聚合物在环境治理中的应用. 高分子通报 2013, 1, 112-126.

7. Y. Guo and T. Guo*, A dual-template imprinted capsule with remarkably enhanced catalytic activity for pesticide degradation and elimination simultaneously. Chemical Communications 2013, 49, 1073-1075.

8. Y. Guo, Y. Yang, L. Zhang, and T.Y. Guo*, Core/shell molecular imprinting microparticles prepared using RAFT technology for degradation of paraoxon. Macromolecular Research 2011, 19, 1202.

9. Y. Guo, Y. Yang, and T.Y. Guo*, Preparation of a PTE simulacrum based on surface molecular imprinting. Chinese Chemical Letters 2011, 22 (4), 493-496.


1. Q. L. Wei, Y. Chen, X. B. Ma, J. F. Ji, Y. Qiao, B. Zhou, F. Ma, D. S. Ling, H. Zhang, M. Tian. J. Tian*, M. Zhou*. High-Efficient Clearable Nanoparticles for Multi-Modal Imaging and Image-Guided Cancer Therapy, Advanced Functional Materials, 2017, 28, 1-12

2. Q. L. Wei, H. Arami, H. A. Santos, H. B. Zhang, Y. Y. Li, J. He, D. N. Zhong, D. S. Ling*, M. Zhou*. Intraoperative Assessment and Photothermal Ablation of the Tumor Margins Using Gold Nanoparticles, Advanced Science, 2021, 8, 1-15

3. Q. L. Wei, J. He, S. F. Wang, S. Y. Hua, Y. C. Qi, F. Y. Li, D. S. Ling*, M. Zhou*. Low-dose X-ray enhanced tumor accumulation of theranostic nanoparticles for high-performance bimodal imaging-guided photothermal therapy, Journal of Nanobiotechnology, 2021, 19, 1-17

4. J. He, Q. L. Wei (co-first), S. J. Wang, S. Y. Hua, M. Zhou*. Bioinspired protein corona strategy enhanced biocompatibility of Ag-Hybrid hollow Au nanoshells for surface-enhanced Raman scattering imaging and on-demand activation tumor-phototherapy, Biomaterials, 2021, 271: 120734

5. W. Shao, Q. L. Wei (co-first), S. F. Wang, F. Y. Li, J. H. Wu, J.F. Ren, F. Y. Cao, H W. Liao, J. Q. Gao, M. Zhou*, D. S. Ling*. Molecular engineering of D–A–D conjugated small molecule nanoparticles for high performance NIR-II photothermal therapy, Materials Horizons, 2020, 7, 1379-1386.


1. Qiying Shen, et al. Microwave hyperthermia-responsible flexible liposomal gel as a novel transdermal delivery of methotrexate for enhanced rheumatoid arthritis therapy, Biomater. Sci., 2021, 9, 8386-8395.

2. Qiying Shen, et al. Sinomenine hydrochloride loaded thermosensitive liposomes combined with microwave hyperthermia for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis, International Journal of Pharmaceutics, 2020, 576, 119001.

3. Qiying Shen, et al. Paclitaxelhydroxypropyl-β-cyclodextrin complex-loaded liposomes for overcoming multidrug resistance in cancer chemotherapy. Journal of Liposome Research. 2020, 30(1), 12-20.



1. 新型稀缺酶资源研发体系创建及其在医药领域应用、教育部科学技术进步一等奖、2019年1月、16/17

2. 杭州市教育局系统优秀教师、2018年8月

3. 杭州师范大学优秀班主任、2016年10月


1. 杭州市131人才第三层次、2011年5月


1. 杭州市高层次人才E类、2020年5月

2. 优秀带教教师、2021年6月

3. 毕业论文优秀指导教师、2021年6月




3. 杭州师范大学优秀班主任, 2008年10月

4. 杭州师范大学优秀班主任, 2009年10月



邮箱:shen.jiawei@hotmail.com; shenjiawei@hznu.edu.cn